
UDK: 624.032:624.93
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 63 (2011) 10
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Comparison of various types of residential building structures

Manja Kitek Kuzman, Jasna Hrovatin, Petra Grošelj


The use of wood in the construction of residential structures is analyzed, and the following structures are compared: wooden monolithic structure, wooden frame structure, concrete structure, brick structure and steel structure. The analytic hierarchy process method is used in the comparison. The analysis has shown that the wooden frame structure is the most convenient for residential construction purposes. The most significant decision making criteria used in this analysis are: safety, fire safety, energy efficiency, housing quality and aesthetics.

residential building, structure, wood, brick, steel, comparison


Kuzman, M. K., Hrovatin, J., Grošelj, P.: Comparison of various types of residential building structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (2011) 10


Kuzman, M. K., Hrovatin, J., Grošelj, P. (2011). Comparison of various types of residential building structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (10)

Manja Kitek Kuzman
University of Ljubljana
Biotecnical faculty
Department of wood science and technology

Jasna Hrovatin
University of Ljubljana
Biotecnical faculty
Department of wood science and technology

Petra Grošelj
University of Ljubljana
Biotecnical faculty
Department of wood science and technology